Paolo Bertoni – “It seems to me very wise to be afraid of happiness, in fact romantic soul prevails over every other aspect, obscure and catastrophic too, of myself”

What is “Scared to Get Happy”? It’s funny, as it somehow fits with the (most probably stereotyped) image I’ve got of you: as a journalist, I see that 90% of the stuff you write about is not really considered ‘happy music’: industrial, gothic, dark, experimental, isolationism, concrete… I often asked myself if you – like…

Achim Breiling – “I felt that I know bands that other people do not, and that I could contribute to share these informations. That’s why I started to write reviews”

I know you from your interest on progressive music, but there’s a huge section of classical CDs. Do you have this kind of background? What is the Siddartha Box I see? I indeed also have quite an extensive collection of classical music, mostly ‘modern’ music, written in the 20th or 21st century, but also from…